sobota, 24 listopada 2007

Heimia Salicifolia: how to open the sun :>

This plant was called "Sinicuiche" [or sinicuichi] by the Aztecs and is still used by Mexican shamans as a trance-divination catalyst. (Jim DeKorne, PSYCHEDELIC SHAMANISM)

Lythraceae (Loosestrife). Heimia salicifolia grows to 10 feet and has small yellow flowers. (Erowid Herb Vaults)

Heimia salicifolia is still used by some Mexican shamans as a tool for divination. (Horizon Herbs)

Heimia salicifolia is native to most of the tropical regions throughout the Western Hemisphere, specifically Texas, Mexico, El Salvador, and all areas between Colombia and Argentina - most commonly found in ditches and other wet soils.

Heimia salicifolia is a bush with numerous small dark green leaves, and often dozens of tiny bright yellow flowers. It can grow to well over 4 feet in height, with just as large a circumference

Five quinolizidine alkaloids have been found in Heimia salicifolia. The major psychoactive alkaloid appears to be cryogenine

Traditionally, the leaves are removed and allowed to wilt a bit, crushed and combined with cold water, then placed in the sun for a day to make a tea. The following procedure for dried foliage is consistent, and repeated endlessly wherever one finds information about Heimia.

If fresh material is not available, dried herb may be steeped in hot water and allowed to sit in the sun for 1 day before drinking. Ten grams dried herb or equivalent of fresh leaves suggested as starting dose.

Take 10 g. of dried leaves, mix with hot water and put in the sun for one day, then drink the mixture.

"I decided to make up a tea from 10g. of the leaves. I poured about 3 cupfuls of boiling water over the dried leaves and let them sit for a while. Deciding this was going to be too much to drink I heated the mixture and boiled off perhaps a cup of the mixture. I left it for about an hour. I poured the mixture minus the leaves into two cups.�

"I always picked fresh leaf by pruning off the top 6" of a bunch of plants grown close together hedge like. I picked the leaves off the stem, allowed them to wilt for about 1/2 hour, then would put em in a blender with a small amount of water. Then I'd put the whole concoction in a closed mason jar and set it outside where it would catch the sun. I'd leave it out for approx. 24 hr. Then I would strain it, squeeze the last of the juice out and drink. I never weighed it, the most I ever tried was a half of a cereal bowl full of fresh leaves."

Given the tested and proven euphoric, relaxant and anti-inflammatory properties of Sinicuichi, the following excerpts are reliable. General relaxation, acoustic hallucinations, improvement of memory performance. The tea is inebriant, euphoriant, hallucinogenic.

I have been unable to confirm within the scientific literature the above suggestions that the actives of Sinicuichi inhibit acetylcholine and enhance epinephrine. The blocking of acetylcholine has been found with the ingestion of scopolamine and atropine, where the actions of these alkaloids (scopolamine and atropine) cause a heating of the body, an inability to sweat or spit, and dilation of blood vessels within the skin. These side-effects have not been noted with Sinicuichi. As well, enhancement of epinephrine does not cause relaxation or slowing of the heartbeat. (THE SECOND BRAIN; by Michael D. Gershon, M.D.) Additionally, the increased availability of acetylcholine has been found to enhance memory funtion. So, once again, it seems that the Legal Highs FAQ is only partially correct.

Rated slightly dangerous, particularly for children, people over 55 and those who take larger-than-appropriate quantities for extended periods of time

Heimia salicifolia is 100% legal in the United States, and as far as I can tell, throughout the entire world. (Erowid Herb Vaults) Thus, feel free to grow, harvest, extract, consume, etc�

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